Learning to take control of your mental health
So many of us struggle with our mental health. We deal with stress, anxiety, depression and more. It can be overwhelming and hard to manage. Though there are ways to help reduce these things and heal from them. You're not alone, and things can get better.

Stress & High Cortisol

Stress for long periods of time can cause high cortisol. These signs are symptoms of having high cortisol.
- Bloating
- Random bruising
- Hair loss/thinning
- Ringing in ears
- High cholesterol
- Extremely hot or extremely cold
- Heart palpitations
- Acid reflux/ IBS
Anxiety can be so draining. I have personally struggled with anxiety for years, so I know how hard it can be to overcome. You can even get physical symptoms from having anxiety. These symptoms can be:- Upset stomach
- Fast heartrate
- Sweaty palms
- Shaking
- Feeling tense
- Trouble sleeping
There are ways to better cope with anxiety so you don't feel so bad.

Somatic Exerices
You can release stress and stored trauma by doing somatic exercises. Somatic exercises help to release all of the unprocessed stress and trauma you have stored in your body. In the article "Somatic exercises: How It Works, Stretching, and Moves for Beginners" it explains that somatic exercises strengthen the mind-body connection and that will benefit your overall health and wellbeing. It also helps improve posture, range of motion, balance, and flexibility. It is recommended to spend up to 15 minutes a day on somatic exercises.
Here is a list of a few somatic exercises you can do.
- Arch & Flatten: Lay on your back with knees bent, arch and flatten your lower back, inhale whhen going up, and exhale when going down.
- Arch & Curl: Lay on your back with knees bent and both hands behind your head, lift head, exhale and flatten your back.
- Washcloth: Lay on your back with knees bent, roll your arms in opposite directions on the floor, drop your knees each time to the side. Turn your head the opposite direction to make a spinal twist. Move slow.
I suggest looking up and following The Workout Witch on TikTok. She explains a lot about high cortisol, stored trauma and regulating your nervous system. She shows how somatic exercises helps heal all of these things. She even has an online course that people can take if they're interested!
Learning to Love Yourself

By loving yourself and taking care of yourself, you will heal and feel so much better! This will play a huge role in healing your anxiety and depression as well. Here are some things you can do to feel better
- Journaling - writing down your thoughs, feelings, and goals.
- Speaking positively to yourself.
- Learning new skills
- Reaching out to freinds and family
- Exercising
- Eating healthy
- Getting sunlight